I am a postdoc in the electrical engineering and computer sciences (EECS) department at UC Berkeley advised by Prof. Sanjit Seshia (formal methods) and Prof. Bjoern Hartmann (human computer interaction). I plan to apply for faculty positions in academia this Fall of 2024.

My research mission is to develop computationally interactive algorithms to augment the minds of humans and autonomous systems. The computational aspect of the algorithms derive from formal methods which is a study of algorithms that provide computational proofs. And these proofs serve as the bases for the algorithms to choose how to interact with humans and systems.

A unique angle of my research is that I formally model and generate the operating environments of humans and systems in simulation using a domain specific probabilistic programming language called Scenic, which is designed for modeling physical tasks. With a probabilistic program modeling a distribution of tasks, I aim to efficiently search for and generate incrementally challenging tasks in simulation or augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) that may likely violate the specifications, or requirements, that humans or autonomous systems need to satisfy.